Based On Your Zodiac Sign, What Cocktail Should You Drink?

Based On Your Zodiac Sign, What Cocktail Should You Drink?

Your zodiac sign can help reveal a lot about your personality and can even be used to help you choose a cocktail. Astrologers have found that there are connections between drinking preference and your zodiac sign. This article will help you choose the right drink for yourself based on your Zodiac sign. Get lucky when drinking with the thecosmomixology!

Leo: Gin and Tonic

Leos are fiery, passionate, and sassy. If you’re a Leo, you’re likely to choose your drinks based on your current mood, as well as your personality. Leo’s often love red wine as it helps them to relax. Leo’s also like to be in control and are often know for being the leader of the gang. They can’t go wrong with a simple gin and tonic.

Sagittarius: Mimosa

Sagittarians have a reputation for loving life; they are fun, classy, and are often the life and soul of the party. As they are so sophisticated, they’re likely to enjoy champagne. A Mimosa would, therefore, be the perfect choice for someone born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign. This smooth, classy cocktail combines champagne and citrus juice and is just the right combination of sweet and sour: just like Sagittarians themselves.

Aquarius: Margarita

If you’re an Aquarius, your motto should be, feel the fear and do it anyway as you love life and love the excitement of taking risks. You have a fun-loving and fearless personality and get bored quickly. However, you can also be serious when necessary and love your work or career. A delicious margarita will help you relax and enjoy the evening as it will allow you to turn off from work.

Capricorn: Martini

Capricorns are classy and are able to keep up appearances. They seem like they have everything worked out and that they are happy with their lives. A Martini is classic and elegant, much like Capricorns themselves.

Aries: Golden Mule

Aries are sweet souls who are often misunderstood. They live life at full pace and need time to calm down and take it easy. As Aries don’t like fussing about, they will enjoy a cocktail that takes little preparation such as a Golden Mule. But to be honest, most Aries would rather grab a beer or cider.

Taurus: Appletini

Taurus’s love to party and because of this, thecosmomixology recommends giving Taurus’s vodka to help get them going. A vodka cocktail will also make Taurus’s lucky, and may even bring romance. Try an appletini with cloudy apple juice and vodka: a drink this zodiac sign will love.

Gemini: Pinot Grigio

Gemini’s are always modern and up to date with the latest trends. They like to look their best and keep themselves looking and feeling young. Gemini’s are young at heart and also love a good party. Therefore, Pinot Grigio is the perfect drink for a Gemini.

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Virgo: Black Russian

Virgo’s are unique, full of energy, and often stand out in a crowd. They don’t like to follow the rules and often come up with their own way of doing things. Therefore, thecosmomixology would suggest that Virgo’s try a Black Russian as It’s more unique than the classic White Russian.

Scorpio: White Russian

Like Virgos, Scorpio’s have unique personality’s, they are dynamic and fun to be around. They often need coffee to keep themselves going, and although white Russian is a simple drink, it’s a cocktail that Scorpio will love.

Pisces: Tequila

Pisces have a reputation for being a little crazy and even frivolous. They don’t take life seriously at all, and for this reason, most Pisces love tequila, in a cocktail, or even just as some shots to get the party going.

Libra: Sapphire Martini

Libras are often accused of being rigid. They are hard working and conscientious and usually stick to the rules as they prefer a happy life and don’t want to upset anyone. As they are so hard working, they are often affluent and like the finer things in life. Libra’s will often be attracted to the most expensive item on the menu. As far as cocktails go, a Sapphire Martini has the taste and luxury that Libras are looking for.

Cancer: Bourbon

The Cancer zodiac sign is dramatic and over the top. If you’re a Cancer, you’ll likely to have been accused of being a drama queen on more than one occasion. You’re fun loving and entertaining. A bourbon will help Cancer’s to stand out.

Whatever your zodiac sign, it’s important to choose your drinks based on your mood and personality. Choose a cocktail that not only taste great, but also makes you feel lucky. Check out some of the fantastic cocktail recipes on thecosmomixology website.